We kindly inform our dear Guests, that our Salt Bath service is currently unavailable. Thanks for understanding.

Our hotel
Relaxation and adventure on the shores of Lake Balaton
The Flamingo Wellness and Conference Hotel awaits its guests with a unique environment, scenic panorama, exceptional water world, outdoor and indoor adventure pools, sauna complex, and child-friendly services.
Flamingó Wellness and Conference Hotel**** Flamingó Wellness and Conference Hotel****
Wonderful indoor and outdoor water world
The Wellness & Spa complex of the Flamingo Wellnes and Conference Hotel contributes to maintaining a healthy body and mind. Relax, unwind, step out of your everyday life!
Private beach and marina
Private grassy beach on Lake Balaton. Boat owner are welcomed by a marina that meets ll their needs.
Flamingó Wellness and Conference Hotel**** Flamingó Wellness and Conference Hotel****